Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's Time to Peak

With August and September just around the corner, it means that finals are just about upon us.

Where 95% of us think we need to be in peak fitness condition prior to the season, I believe this is the time you need to be at your best as premierships aren't won in March.

So for you to perform at your best when it counts, here's some ideas on how to reach or maintain your optimal performance through to the end of your finals campaign.

Keep on Training on the Track

Some teams decide to cut back training during the finals and go for a more relaxed feeling on the track and sometimes opting for pool sessions as a bonding exercise more then anything else. Unless you've played every game and have had no extended time off, whether it be through missed games or missed training sessions, then I suggest to keep on training just as hard as you would in February. AFL players have such a workload from year to year, let alone just during the actual season that they can handle an abbreviated training program and still maintain their elite fitness levels. Unfortunately our training loads are no where near what they do so we need to keep on keeping on.

Keep Training in the Gym

Those who are consistent in the gym with their strength work throughout the season will tell you that they feel an advantage over other players with their strength levels, and with the local/amateur game being more closed up with a lot more stoppages, the strength required to win the ball in close is essential to holding that cup on the last Saturday of September. Although total training volume will need to be decreased, some where in your training the intensity (training load) should remain above 90% of your 1 rep max but also use the auto regulation method which will ensure strength levels are maintained at the very least, as well as fatigued being managed to keep you fresh.

Clean Up Your Diet

This should go without saying but get off the grog during finals time. 4 weeks without a beer isn't the end of the world boys. Also get your food in order. Up the veggies, fruits and lean protein, make a deal with your missus to cook for you for the month (yeah it will cost you) and keep takeaway to a minimum.


As much as you can, try and keep stress out of your life. Now this is difficult but if you have a lot of control over your work then try and make it a low volume period if you can or if you're really keen, take some holidays if you've got some up your sleeve.

Get on Top of Any Niggles

This should be the top of the list already but it bears repeating. Resting injuries isn't a cure, the problem is still there. Joints and muscles don't just fix themselves and unfortunately most physio's give you donuts in the long run. If you have a banged up shoulder then drop straight bar pressing in the gym and lye over a foam roller at home. If you have sore knees then foam roll those ITB's, stretch those quads and hip flexors and do a boatload of glute activation and strengthening work. Remember, there is always something you can do.

If you have any specific problems then please drop me an email.

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