Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Holy Grail Exercise for Speed?

As I've mentioned a million times since September I'm doing the Triphasic Training program. On 2 of those days I use what they call french contrast circuits of which 1 of the exercises is called accelerated plyometrics band assisted jump squat (PABAJS).

What Is It?

As you can see from the video above, it's a traditional jump squat but you set up some bands on a squat rack or a high beam and use them to pull yourself up at the same time you are jumping as high as you can.

Why Are They So Good?

Traditional plyometrics are great for starting strength or first step quickness but they don't replicate true sport specific movements - especially acceleration. During acceleration you obviously run faster and faster until you hit top speed. With this in mind you need to mimic this in the weight room but traditional plyo's stay at the same speed or level as the first jump or decreases with each successive rep - the opposite of acceleration.

With every top end sprinting step you take you absorb around 3 - 6 x your bodyweight which you need to be able to eccentrically control, isometrically absorb then concentrically use to propel you forward. Traditional plyometric exercises don't produce anywhere near the force required to improve anything past the 1st step.

We are also limited by how high we can jump in reference to how much force we can absorb through traditional plyometrics. If you can only jump 60cms, then you can only train yourself to absorb a 60cm jump squat. What the band assistance provides is the ability to jump higher and now that 60cm jump height we were absorbing becomes a 70 or 80cm jump and wholla, increased forces to absorb!!

So now we have trained the 2nd and 3rd steps in acceleration where with each step you have increased forces to absorb and now you can instead of being limited by how much force we can absorb on the first step.

How To Use Them In Your Program?

Because of the force absorption involved, it goes without saying that this is an advanced level exercise. I'll provide a plyometric exercise progression that you can use to get yourself to the level required to use this exercise.

Strength Requirement - 1.5 x bodyweight squat minimum and keep it there (actually keep going to 2 x bodyweight). Don't reach it and stop squatting!

Exercise 1 - Jump Squat (level 1 - jump, land and stick, level 2 - jump, land, jump, land stick etc until at 5 reps per set then work your way up in external loading until you reach 30% of your squat max)

When you land and stick be sure to throw the hips back so it looks like your mid way through a deadlift.

Exercise 2 - Depth Jumps (level 1 - 6" box, level 2 - 12", level 3 - 18", level 4 - 24" box)

We're looking for explosion here so once you hit the ground, you want instant force absorption so you can basically bounce off the ground. If you have to land, steady yourself and then jump then the box is too high.

Exercise 3 - APBAJS

Again quick ground contact time is what we want here.

It's a good idea to pair these with your squat sets too which are hopefully in the 2 - 5 range. It can be done for higher Reps but you risk building up too much fatigue for the APBAJS.

So this week get out on the track and time your 40m sprint, do these 2/week for the next 4 weeks and retest and let me know how you do.

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