A lot of coaches are still stuck in the traditional methods of running training which means a lot of cone-to-cone stuff which is a massive misrepresentation of what the demands of a game are but it's always a case of teaching how you were taught.
I'm here to right that and have been for some time so here's another way to start your move from cone-to cone drills to live training activities without having to do an immediate 360 flip on how you train your players and creating a huge sense of being overwhelmed and then simply resorting back to your traditional, but out-dated, ways.
What I'm presenting below is a step-by-step progression of transforming a traditional cone drill to a live training activity and if you'd like me to transform other drills you run regularly, then have a crack at developing your own progressing to transforming to a live training activity, send it to me and we can work through it together.
The cone drill we'll start with is something I ran yesterday at the school I'm doing some academy coaching at and what I've simply titled Wide Switch to Inboard Kick. Another coach actually thought to run it and had a far better name for it than mine!
LAYER 1 - Normal Cone Drill
Simples - 1 kicks to 2 kicks to 3 and so on. Red is player movement. Ball is ball movement. No decision making, no pressure, no constraints - just technique rehearsal - limited game learning - that is all.
LAYER 2...
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