Monday, August 26, 2024



  • Test and Enhance Your Knowledge of the Game
  • Get Help with Identifying Patterns of Play
  • Learn at the Edges of your Current Ability to Stretch, but not Overwhelm
  • Expand Your Search and Exploration Area
  • No Right or Wrong Answers
  • Suitable for Coaches and Players of All Levels


Welcome to the Aussie Rules Training Game Intelligence Challenge.

“You cannot teach skills without knowledge...skills are an accumulation of knowledge” - Daisy Christodoulou (Director of Education, No More Marking)

What this challenge will focus on is the building of your game intelligence through improving your knowledge-of-the game which is the ability to identify patterns of play before, and while, they are occurring, as well as being aware of what you’re affordances (opportunities for action) are, in a given situation.

“Self-regulating players can think for themselves and can solve game situations through their communication with the game environment and their decision-making, as well how they interact with the game” – David Garcia, Coach Educator

By developing your knowledge-of-the-game you can dramatically improve your knowledge-in-the-game, which means a decrease in your decision making time, giving you more time to physically act, resulting in you being involved in more game interactions, and then having more impact when you’re in them.

“Understand how small events can have significant consequences and amplify the chaos on and off the field” – Fergus Connolly, Elite Performance Coach

There are 3 levels to the Game Intelligence Challenge with each level fielding questions/scenarios relating to the back line, wing/ruck positions, the midfield, the forward line and around the ground interactions.

I have my own answers to each question but there are no right or wrong answers – your answers will be based off what YOU see in front of you, what YOU have been exposed to during your playing/coaching experiences and the playing/coaching philosophy YOU have towards footy right now.

“Your real job as a coach is to create more leaders, not more followers”

There will be answers you have that I don’t have and vice-versa, and that’s what a growth mindset is all about – being open to new knowledge that might go against what you currently believe, but being open to differing opinions and beliefs.

As a way to scaffold the content (a proven way to effectively deliver learning material), the challenge will be delivered 1 level at a time.

There is no “marking” of anything, making this a safe zone for thoughts and exploration, especially if some of this is new to you. You’ll give me your answer and then I’ll provide feedback based on that, with the aim to guide you towards a potentially more effective solution - if I have one!

Above all, this is aimed at being a challenging, but fun, activity which is where we can enter a flow state, which is the optimal state for higher level learning.

Questions for all 3 levels are spread across written, image-based, video-based forms and some where you will be required to draw out the answer so get yourself a whiteboard and some different colored markers, which will also help you greatly in working through most of the other questions.

There are 24 questions in level 1, 35 in level 2 and 45 in level 3 for a non-rounded total number of 104 in total.

This is a stand alone product so anyone can purchase it with or without a current membership, and you'll receive it in a PDF via email once payment notification hits my account and I'll email it manually, but it will be on the same day as your purchase.

You can send your answers to my email and/or messenger (preferred as you can more easily send videos and images through there).

Feel free to go into as much detail in your answers you like as this a process-driven project far more then it's an outcome-based project.

Now just to help you out with how I would go about answering the visual questions, let's refer to the 1st game clip in this video:

Here's a quick video of me explaining how I'd go about drawing up this scenario to give my answer:

On an image-based question you can either draw it up like above and answer, or print the image out and draw over it, take a photo/video of your answer and send it in.

Here is 1 question from each of the categories from level 1:

  • As a defender, how should you position yourself against your opposition forward and why?
  • Explain what the skinny wing is and what are their roles?
  • What is the most important role of the ruck player?
  • What are some team-based offensive tactics you can use at a stoppage?
  • What can forwards do individually when not in the immediate play?
  • What are the main teaching points of ground ball technique?

I can't wait to get into this with coaches and players from all over so head to the register page and click on the Game Intelligence Challenge Level 1 and let the games begin!

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